Home » Metal roofing


Stay comfy and control your home’s temperature with a new metal roof

Metal roofing installation can bring many good things to your home. For example, your home’s curb value will shoot - dare we say it - through the roof (pun intended!) Despite all the good that a new metal roof can bring to your home however, many people worry that it may also bring some less-welcome things into your home. In particular, many homeowners wonder that metal roofing will bring in too much heat - the last thing they want happening during Australia’s brutal summers. It’s a myth of course - however, it’s a persistent one that we constantly find ourselves [...]

2021-01-04T09:55:31+00:00 June 7th, 2020|Metal roofing|

A roof plumber in Melbourne explains metal roofing installation standards

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. Responsible for protecting your home from the outside elements, it puts up with a lot of pressure over its lifetime. While a certain degree of wear is natural, you’ll want your roof to last as long as possible keeping out the weather, heat and more. Luckily, Australian building codes lay out strict standards for metal roofing installation in order to ensure that your roof continues to keep your home safe and comfortable! But what are these standards, anyway? You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for [...]

2022-01-24T09:30:29+00:00 May 30th, 2020|Gutter repairs, Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Does new metal roof installation lower your insurance premiums?

As with all things insurance, it’s hard to give a definitive answer regarding your premiums. It all depends on your: Policy Assessor Property That being said however, there is a chance that by choosing metal roof installation or replacing your old roof with a new metal roof, you could bring your insurance premiums down. First thing’s first: metal roofing will NOT increase your insurance premiums When assessing your insurance premiums and excess, insurers look at your risk. The higher they rate your risk, the more you’ll have to pay and the higher your excess will be. Many people assume that [...]

2022-05-25T09:30:03+00:00 May 21st, 2020|Gutter repairs, Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Do you need metal roofing repairs after hail?

We may not have snow here in Melbourne like our friends up in the mountains - but you know what Melbourne does have plenty of come winter? Hail! And unlike snow, it isn’t soft,  it’s noisy, and it never sticks around long enough to turn our homes into winter wonderlands. The worst part? In many cases, hail also leaves damage in its wake. We’ve all heard the stories about smashed windows, dented car hoods and other types of damage caused by severe hailstorms. If you’re building a house in Melbourne and are up to the stage where you’re thinking about [...]

2021-12-06T03:57:24+00:00 May 14th, 2020|Metal roofing|

5 reasons why you should choose commercial metal roofing

Metal roofing: the number one roofing choice for large commercial properties in Melbourne. Just go to any primarily industrial suburb, and you’ll see a sea of metal roofs. But why is metal so in-demand for commercial buildings, factories and warehouses? Is there anything that makes metal inherently better for these applications than other roofing materials? We’re glad you asked! Today, we’re taking a dive into why so many commercial and industrial properties opt for metal roofing. 5 reasons why metal roofing is the best choice for commercial roofing A good roof is an essential investment for any property owner - [...]

2022-02-08T15:23:49+00:00 April 30th, 2020|Metal roofing|

Does my metal roofing installation in Melbourne need an underlayer?

Today’s metal roofs aren’t just a layer of metal sheeting - rather, they use a system of different layers, all of which work together to keep the weather out and ensure that your home is comfortable and secure for decades. We’ve talked about sarking and insulation before. However, there’s another layer to your new metal roof that’s also essential for a strong house foundation and structure. Underlayments are essential - they’re also frequently overlooked by homeowners. Roof underlayments are a part of metal roofing installation in Melbourne that doesn’t often get a lot of air time. In fact, oftentimes they’re [...]

2021-01-04T10:04:17+00:00 April 23rd, 2020|Metal roofing|

Does colour matter when it comes to choosing your new metal roof?

If you’ve gone shopping for a fridge (or any household appliance) recently, you’ve probably noticed that each appliance in the store now carries a 10-star energy efficiency rating. What you may not have known is that each house in Australia is also rated on the same 10-star scale. In fact, new construction needs to meet a minimum 6-star rating if it’s to be approved! There are a range of different factors that go into rating your home’s efficiency: House design Ventilation Orientation and windows And of course, one of the things that’s looked at when evaluating your home’s efficiency? If [...]

2022-01-24T09:26:45+00:00 April 17th, 2020|Metal roofing|

How metal roofing installation boosts your home value

If you’re looking for ways to increase your home’s value, the best place to start is at the top - with your roof! We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: metal roofing installation in Melbourne can dramatically bump up your home’s value. Whether you’re thinking of installing a new roof or replacing an old one, metal roofing is one of the best ways on how to increase one’s home value. But how? Whether you’re a property investor or a homeowner who’s looking to sell in the future, we suggest getting comfortable and reading on! How metal roofing installation [...]

2020-05-15T03:37:23+00:00 March 27th, 2020|Metal roofing|

What gauge should your metal roofing installation in Melbourne use?

It’s a little-understood part of the roofing process - and really, we aren’t surprised. While crucial, it’s also somewhat… bland. Who wants to talk about metal roof gauge when they could be talking about the more exciting stuff, like: What colour your brand new metal roof is going to be? How a new metal roof is going to increase your home’s value? The ease-of-maintenance that comes with metal roofing? If you ask us, roof gauge is up there with roof plumbing, ventilation and air gaps as one of the most important criteria when planning metal roof installation in Melbourne. And [...]

2022-01-24T09:25:11+00:00 March 16th, 2020|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Back in black: is black right for your metal roof installation?

When it comes to metal roofing installation, the sky’s the limit! If you ask us, there’s no type of roofing more versatile and flexible than metal roofing. It can be installed in all sorts of roofs and applications that would be impossible for a traditional tile roof. It isn’t just the shape, either - there’s no limit to the colours your metal roof can be. In particular, a lot of homeowners in Melbourne have decided to go with black roofs. But is black really that great of an idea for your roof? Let's find out! Black is the new [...]

2023-11-21T22:32:12+00:00 March 3rd, 2020|Metal roofing|