Home » Metal roofing


Need roof repairs in Melbourne? Common roof problems

Your house is one of the most valuable and costly investments that you’ll ever make. And as with anything worth that much money, it’s crucial that your investment receives proper maintenance and care. And it all starts with your roofing. Harsh weather conditions, wear and tear, debris… all of these can cause your metal roofing to fall into a state of disrepair. In addition to affecting your roof, it can also lead to damage in the rest of your house! As much as possible, homeowners should keep on top of  any roofing problems they may encounter. Have you noticed any [...]

2022-01-24T09:36:02+00:00 February 24th, 2020|Gutter repairs, Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

What metal should you choose for your metal roofing installation?

So you've decided on metal roofing installation for your home - a wise decision, if you ask us. That’s the first major resolution out of the way. Of course, when it comes to something as important as your roof, there will be many other decisions you’ll have to make. Chief among them, what type of metal you should choose for your roof. That may include: The base metal itself Coatings applied Specific alloy/blend Each of these can have a dramatic impact on how long your roof lasts, as well as how much effort is needed to take care of it. [...]

2022-01-24T08:46:11+00:00 February 5th, 2020|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Sarking vs insulation: which does your metal roofing installation need?

Your roof protects your house from heat, cold, and Melbourne’s famously unpredictable weather conditions. Of course, your roof isn’t alone in this fight. It needs allies and support to keep the outside world away from you. Enter, insulation and sarking. While we all know insulation’s job of forming a barrier against heat from outdoors and maintaining indoor temperature, fewer people understand the role sarking plays in your roof. So, what is the difference? And which one matters more for your upcoming metal roofing installation? What is roofing insulation? We all know how insulation works - it stops heat from getting [...]

2020-01-29T06:03:10+00:00 January 29th, 2020|Metal roofing|

Common roof insulation problems from our metal roofing team

Your roof serves as an outer shell that protects your home from harsh elements in the environment, such as rain, heat, snow, tree branches and leaves, and normal wear and tear.  It will keep you safe and warm during winter, and should work hard to keep you cool during summer. The roof, as a protective home gear, is massive in size, but it’s not the only thing working to protect your home. Your roof is made up of complex engineering and consists of elements that, combined, provide superior protection.  But how can you ensure that your roof is properly insulated? [...]

2022-01-24T04:59:21+00:00 December 20th, 2019|Metal roofing|

5 things you should know about metal roofing

Metal roofing has quickly become one of the most reliable roofing materials that homeowners and property developers choose for their domestic and commercial properties. And over the years, metal roofing has achieved considerable advancement over its design and creation. More and more people are choosing metal roofing over other roofing materials - for a variety of impressive reasons.  Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of things that you might not know about metal roofing. While we love to sing the praises of metal roofing, we understand that this material doesn’t go without its doubters. So this week, we [...]

2022-01-24T04:59:17+00:00 December 18th, 2019|Metal roofing|

What makes metal roofing installation superior to tiles or shingles?

The success of any building design is determined by a range of factors - chief among them, the materials used. In addition to the durability of the property, materials also have a tangible impact on energy efficiency, maintenance costs, and longevity. Nowhere is this more true than with your roof. Replacing your roof with a new one is a major decision to make. Your choice of roofing type will impact your roof’s performance, your bills, and your comfort for years to come. New roofing installation or roof replacement is a costly project. And when some people hear about expense, they [...]

2022-01-24T05:14:04+00:00 December 4th, 2019|Metal roofing|

Our roof plumber explains the different kinds of gutters

As Melbourne roof plumbing experts, one of our favourite topics is gutters. When it comes to roofing, gutters are important!  But we understand you may not think about gutters as often as we do.  People tend to think about roof gutters when:  Existing gutters on a home require attention  Building or purchasing a new home    While this may not be a daily occurrence, roofing gutters have an important role to play in any home.  And style is part of this.   Watermaster Roofing experts install and repair gutters on homes throughout Bayside and Melbourne. Our experience means we understand different styles [...]

2022-01-24T04:50:32+00:00 November 20th, 2019|Metal roofing|

What happens before metal roofing replacement?

Rain. Hail. Harsh UV sunlight. Gale force winds. Your roof puts up with a lot of punishment so that you don’t have to - it’s only logical that eventually, your roof may need maintenance, repairs or even complete replacement. And there’s no better choice than metal roof replacement! Metal roofing is strong, durable and lightweight, making it a great choice if you need to replace an old and worn roof. And owing to its light, it can easily be integrated into older homes that may not be able to support other types of roofing. As with any major home improvement [...]

2023-07-25T02:11:26+00:00 November 13th, 2019|Metal roofing|

Pros and cons of flat metal roofing for your new build

Metal roofing installation is a great way to make your house stand out from the crowd. And when you opt for a flat metal roof, it’ll stand out even more. You have probably noticed that flat roofs are back in style again, with many contemporary designs opting for flat roofs. And when it comes to flat roofs, new metal roofing is the only real option! Advantages of a flat roof for your new metal roof installation Whether you’re planning for a home renovation or is in the process of building your house, flat roofs are increasingly popular among homeowners and [...]

2023-03-14T22:24:57+00:00 October 15th, 2019|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Why is corrugated metal so popular for new roof installation?

If you’ve ever gone to one of Melbourne’s inner suburbs (be it on business or pleasure), you’ll notice that a lot of the old buildings use metal roofing. Specifically, you’ll notice that almost every metal roof you encounter in the inner suburbs uses the same wave-pattern, and that usually they’re all uniformly the same unpainted grey or silver colour too. (Don’t worry, these aren’t the only options for metal roof installation anymore!) Have you ever wondered why this type of metal roofing is so prevalent? Wonder no more - today, our metal roof installation experts in Melbourne explain the idea [...]

2022-10-19T14:05:20+00:00 October 4th, 2019|Metal roofing|