Home » Metal roofing


Overdue for a roof inspection? Need urgent roof repairs in Melbourne?

Your house is one of the biggest and most costly investments that you’ll ever make. As such, it’s crucial that you look after it. In particular, it’s important that you look after your roof, too! Is your home protected from the elements by tiles or shingles? Over time, you might notice everyday wear and tear taking a toll on your roof - these materials, while relatively durable, are not designed to last more than 10-20 years without posing some potentially major problems - or in some cases, requiring complete re-roofing. Metal roofing, on the other hand, is durable and low-maintenance, [...]

2022-01-24T05:13:29+00:00 September 13th, 2019|Gutter repairs, Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Our roof plumbers explain common emergency roof repairs

While metal roof installation may be our bread and butter here at Watermaster Roofing, by no means is that the only thing our expert roof plumbers do. While metal roofing is tough and durable (COLORBOND metal roofing even more so), other types of roofing, like tiles or shingles, are more susceptible to damage. In addition to roof installation, our team also gets called out to perform emergency roof repairs in Melbourne, usually following a bout of wild weather or some other accident. What types of repairs are we talking about? We break down some of the most common. 1) Got [...]

2022-05-25T08:55:07+00:00 September 3rd, 2019|Gutter repairs, Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Need metal roof repairs for a dodgy roof installation

Worried about dodgy, poorly installed roofing in your home or business? If so, we don’t blame you - your roof is pretty darn important, after all! As the main barrier between your comfort and the elements, it’s crucial that your roof is tough and built to last. Not only is the situation stressful, but costly. A poorly installed roof can lead to numerous expensive problems in the future, and can often only be fixed with metal roof repairs from the Masters…   Good roofing starts with metal roofing installation Roofing, as many of us know, is one major home improvement [...]

2022-01-24T09:31:44+00:00 August 30th, 2019|Metal roofing|

Our Bayside roofing team explains how to avoid metal roof issues

Strength. Longevity. Great looks. When it comes to roofing materials, metal roofing in Melbourne has it all. That having been said, your roof puts up with a lot. It’s directly exposed to the elements, and bears the brunt of mother nature’s attacks on your home. As a team of Bayside roofing experts, we often get asked about whether there are any drawbacks to installing metal roofing. We have to be honest: there is no material on earth that is 100% perfect. Over time, even metal roofing in Melbourne can suffer from: Leaks Wear and tear Corrosion Luckily for you however, [...]

2022-01-24T04:49:43+00:00 August 14th, 2019|Metal roofing|

Look after your roof: our basic metal roofing maintenance guide

One of the advantages of opting for metal roofing installation is how low-maintenance it is compared to other roofing materials. You won’t have to worry about moss, mould, or loose tiles. Of course, that doesn’t mean that your metal roof can be ignored! While the maintenance requirements are certainly lower, we still recommend periodic metal roofing maintenance to ensure your roof looks good and stays strong for years to come. Luckily, maintaining a metal roof is relatively straightforward - especially when compared to other roofing materials. What makes metal roofing installation less maintenance heavy? Unlike maintaining a tiled roof, metal [...]

2022-01-24T08:54:05+00:00 August 13th, 2019|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Our metal roofing installation team shares signs of a dodgy roofer

Without a doubt, roofing is one of the most important parts of your entire home. It keeps the elements out, and the warmth in. What’s more, the roof also has a huge impact on your home’s appearance as well as its value. Needless to say, it’s crucial that you get only the best help when it comes to something so important! When it comes to new metal roof installation, you’ll want to ensure your roofing contractor is experienced, skilled, and up to the task of performing metal roofing installation. If you don’t, you might be left with a bad roofing [...]

2023-08-22T04:15:28+00:00 July 31st, 2019|Metal roofing|

Need metal roofing installation? We explain factory roofing

Our team is proud to provide quality metal roofing installation Melburnians can rely on. Our metal roofing team work on a wide variety of commercial factories and residential spaces across the city. While houses in Bayside are our bread-and-butter, we’ve also worked on our fair share of commercial properties too, including: Schools Offices Retail buildings And of course, factories If you’ve ever spent time in or near an industrial area, you may have noticed that factory and warehouse roofs are almost uniformly made of metal. Why is that? What makes metal roofing installation such a good common choice for factories? [...]

2022-01-24T05:02:53+00:00 July 29th, 2019|Metal roofing|

Your essential checklist for metal roof replacement in Melbourne

Is your old roof starting to show its age? If so, it may be time for metal roof replacement. Re-roofing gives your tired, worn roof the roofing equivalent of a complete facelift. In addition to eliminating leaks, dents and wear that may accumulate over the years however, metal roof replacement can also leave you with a roof that: Looks fantastic Will last for decades to come Avoids the issues of tiled roofs (weight, mould, loose tiles) If you’re tired of endless patchwork repairs, metal roof replacement in Melbourne might be just what you need. Of course, just like any major [...]

2023-07-25T02:08:43+00:00 July 23rd, 2019|Metal roofing|

Open vs closed-valley roofs: the role of roof plumbing in Melbourne

Look at any roof with inside corners. In particular, focus on the area where the two sections of roof meet - notice how there’s a small gap left over that runs the length of the intersection? As the intersection of two sections of your roof, this area is one of the biggest problem areas for roof leaks, as they create an avenue for rainwater to slip into your roof and start damaging your ceiling. Don’t start panicking just yet - metal roofing experts are well aware of this issue, and have devised roof plumbing techniques to keep water out seeping [...]

2023-10-17T23:14:40+00:00 July 5th, 2019|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Ask a roof plumber in Melbourne: when should your gutters be cleaned?

We know, we know: cleaning your gutters isn’t exactly the most thrilling task on your to-do list. If you ask our roof plumber in Melbourne however, it’s absolutely essential that you keep your roof plumbing clean throughout the year with regular attention paid to your gutters. That’s because neglected gutters it can cause damage not just to your roof plumbing, but also to your… Foundations Ceiling Roof Exterior walls and fittings That's why gutter maintenance - in particular, cleaning - is so important! To help you out, the experts from Watermaster Roofing are going to share some of the easiest and [...]

2023-07-24T23:04:09+00:00 June 26th, 2019|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|