Home » Metal roofing


Can any plumber look after my roof? When to call a roof plumber in Melbourne

While the name may suggest pipes and taps, the truth is that roof plumbing is a completely different ball game from indoor plumbing. And as such, it’s crucial that you call somebody who’s qualified to work on roof plumbing specifically when it comes to maintaining your roof plumbing fixtures. Specifically, you’ll have to call a roof plumber to look after roof plumbing fixtures. Why is that? What is it that makes roof plumbers different from regular plumbers? Is there any relationship between the two? We’re glad you asked - today, our roof plumber in Melbourne explains why it’s crucial that [...]

2023-10-16T23:14:57+00:00 June 10th, 2019|Metal roofing, Roof Plumbing|

Why go metal: 4 examples of metal roofing from around the world

At Watermaster Roofing, we’re all-aboard with metal roofing. There are many reasons to choose metal roofing in Melbourne. Our team are fierce advocates in the strength, durability and aesthetic value metal roofing installation can bring to your home, shop, or warehouse. However, you don’t need to just take our word for it! If you’re curious to learn how a new metal roof might work for your next build, you needn’t look any further than these four stunning examples of metal roofing drawn from around the world! Is your old roof causing you problems? Get it inspected by the Masters An [...]

2022-01-24T08:57:20+00:00 June 3rd, 2019|Metal roofing|

Why metal roofing is the best choice for warehouses and factories

When it comes to commercial roofing in Melbourne, you can’t go past metal roof installation. And when it comes to factories and warehouses in particular, metal roofing can’t be beaten! When choosing roofing for warehouses and factories, aesthetics aren’t the only thing on your mind. Additionally, you think of practical matters such as strength and durability. In fact, you might notice that the vast majority of warehouses and factories already make use of metal roofing. Why is that? Our metal roofing experts explain! Interested to learn if metal roof installation is right at your warehouse or factory? Give our Masterful [...]

2022-01-24T04:59:07+00:00 May 22nd, 2019|Metal roofing|

How COLORBOND metal roofing is designed and built for Australian conditions

“COLORBOND metal roofing: designed for Australian conditions.” This sentence features pretty heavily in all of COLORBOND’s marketing material - we’ve even referenced it a couple of times ourselves. It’s precisely this quality (among many, many others) that makes COLORBOND such a great choice for metal roofing installation, anywhere across Australia's harsh environment. But what exactly does it mean? Watermaster Roofing favours COLORBOND metal roofing as one of our preferred metal roofing materials. We’d be happy to shine a light on exactly what this phrase means! Your new metal roof is “tested for Australian conditions” Australia is a big country. With [...]

2023-08-31T00:29:17+00:00 May 2nd, 2019|Metal roofing|

Our metal roof installation experts explain roof permits

“Got a permit for that?” Like many other types of building work, metal roof installation is a big job - one that involves considerable research, planning and of course, permits. And with projects this big, it’s easy for certain details to be overlooked, or slip through the cracks. We’ve talked before about some of the more common planning errors many homeowners make when considering a new roof. Today, our metal roof installation experts go over one of the most confusing (and common) errors of all: obtaining the right permits.   The difference between building and planning permits While they might [...]

2022-05-25T02:05:19+00:00 April 15th, 2019|Metal roofing|

How metal roofing can protect your home from bushfire

Bushfire safety is a crucial consideration homeowners that live in bushfire-prone areas. And with the vast majority of Victoria classified as bushfire-prone, this is something many home and business owners in Melbourne’s fringes will need to consider. If you live in fringe areas of Melbourne such as Frankston, you’ll want to do everything you can to reduce your risk of bushfire. And believe it or not, metal roofing installation and reroofing might be able to help. Find out more from our Frankston roofing team.   How metal roofing installation protects you against bushfire When building in a bushfire-prone area, you [...]

2022-01-24T04:58:21+00:00 April 3rd, 2019|Metal roofing|

How COLORBOND saves you from metal roofing plumbing problems

What do you think of when you hear the words “metal roof?” Chances are it’ll bring up one of three uniquely Australian images: Rusted inner-city suburbs Old warehouse or factory buildings Worn out farmhouses and barns While we’re big proponents of metal roofing, we’re not going to deny that to most people, the myth of the rusty metal roof persists, even to this day. Needless to say, this is completely wrong! Don’t listen to the myths - contrary to popular belief, modern metal roofing is extremely resistant to rust, making it a smart choice for your home. In particular, COLORBOND [...]

2023-08-31T00:36:00+00:00 March 22nd, 2019|Metal roofing|

New metal roof installation? Our roof plumbers share 4 planning errors

As we’re sure you know, metal roof installation (or any construction, really) is a big, tough job. It needs to be thoroughly planned to ensure that your roof is built properly and goes the distance. Make no mistake, good planning is crucial. The problem is that, well, it’s a big job. Your metal roofing plan needs to go over a lot of different things. As such, it’s easy to get lost. And that means the potential for mistakes, some small, some large, some catastrophic!   Mistake #1: Assuming that all metal roofing is the same Take our word for it, [...]

2022-01-24T04:54:04+00:00 March 15th, 2019|Metal roofing|

How do metal roofing repairs protect you from unwanted house guests?

The thought of living in your roof mightn’t be very attractive to you - however, for many others your roof is the equivalent of a 5-star hotel! Over the years, Watermaster’s roof plumbers have faced many types of roofs and associated problems. We’ve seen a lot of different types of roofing damage - including more than our fair share of unwelcome guests squatting in roofs all over Melbourne. You’d be surprised by what might be living in your roof. Here are just a handful of roof dwellers we’ve seen over the years, and how roof repairs keep unwanted creatures out. [...]

2022-01-24T09:08:12+00:00 March 6th, 2019|Metal roofing|

Why metal roofing installation is perfect for weird and complicated roofs

Every roofing installation job comes with its own unique challenges. However, some are stranger than others! Got a weird, unique or complicated roof? Building a roof with a weird or unique shape offers unique problems. Roof angles, out-there shapes and curves can test architects, engineers and roof installers alike. Luckily for you, one of the (many) benefits of metal roofing installation is that it’s the perfect choice for weird, unconventional and complicated roofing jobs.   Metal roofing installation: the perfect choice for... Flat roofs You’d think flat roofing would be easy to instal, right? Unfortunately, that’s wrong - in fact, [...]

2022-01-24T09:34:48+00:00 February 14th, 2019|Metal roofing|